воскресенье, 19 февраля 2017 г.

Can You Quit? YES!!! Experts agree that giving up cigarettes is very difficult. But if youre telling yourself its impossible, think again. While there are 45 million smokers in the U.S., there are at least 48 million former smokers. If 48 million people could quit, it is doable. Just keep in mind that most people have to try more than once, and only 4%-7% succeed without help. Ask your doctor which smoking-cessation strategies might be right for you.

Can You Quit? YES!!! Experts agree that giving up cigarettes is very difficult. But if youre telling yourself its impossible, think again. While there are 45 million smokers in the U.S., there are at least 48 million former smokers. If 48 million people could quit, it is doable. Just keep in mind that most people have to try more than once, and only 4%-7% succeed without help. Ask your doctor which smoking-cessation strategies might be right for you.

Original article and pictures take https://webmd.com site

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